Monday, September 26, 2016


I am constantly trying to think of ways to get through to people about nutrition and how big of a role it has in EVERYTHING. I often have clients who will work out, but won't stick to a clean diet. Why put in all that hard work only to totally negate it with a bad diet? Why continue with a bad diet if you get sick often, or aren't thriving?

A thought occurred to me this morning, as I was driving home from my 5:30 crossfit class. I don't know anyone who wouldn't wake up and show up every morning to their job, if the only job they could ever have was at 5:30 AM. Well, you only get one body. Why not show up to whatever it is you would commit every time? Why let your own body down?

I get it. I have 3 kids, and don't use daycare. My husband deploys for half the year. I teach spin classes and am a personal trainer. I am finishing up my M.S. I don't hire anyone to do anything for me. I'm busy! However, I know that if I slip up on my nutrition, I'm only surviving, not thriving. And, there's no way I can train effectively on a bad diet. I also want to set a good example for my friends, family, and most importantly, my kids.

I've always been a fan of the zone diet, but I'm so precise with my macros that I never actually tried the simplicity of the Zone. At my crossfit certification workshop, I was challenged to stick with the Zone diet for an entire month before I knock the blocks. Now that my nursling 8 month old is eating more solid foods, I feel comfortable drastically switching up my diet without counting my macros on myfitnesspal. To hold myself accountable and for you to see how the zone works, I'm going to update this daily with what I ate and my training for the day. I'm eating 11 daily blocks. If I'm hungrier, I'll add extra fats.

Day 1:

Breakfast: eggs in butter, strawberries, banana, coffee with coconut oil
Snack: Arbonne protein shake with spinach and almond milk and PB
Lunch: Ribs and brussel sprouts
Snack: Pastrami, banana with peanut butter
Dinner: Smoked chicken, sauteed veggies, and bacon wrapped pepper

Not pictured: turkey and banana with peanut butter snack... mad rush out the door!

Workouts: 5:30 am: crossfit   8:15 am: run with the kids   4:30 pm: spin class

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