Monday, January 10, 2011

The Truth About Your Weight Gain

The Truth About Your Weight Gain

I absolutely love this article! Click on the link.

I also love the books he mentions, the Eat This, Not That collection as well as the Cook This, Not That book. Once you go through them, you will never again go to Five Guys, yuck! Always stick to whole foods that aren't processed! I had a client ask me today about why vegetarians seems to be overweight more so than meat eaters. Easy, many vegetarians eat processed foods in order to make up for their lack of protein from meat. My preference? Eat the real thing, meat! God made it for a reason. I'm not saying eat loads of it a day, but 4 oz per meal won't hurt the planet. Stick with grass-fed cow beef and cage free, all natural chickens that aren't loaded up with sodium from chicken broth. And Greek yogurt? Greek yogurt is my all time very favorite snack/ breakfast on the go. Chobani has 14 grams of protein and it's delicious with all natural fruit!


  1. What are your thoughts on Paleo Mrs. Montoya?

  2. I LOVE Greek yogurt!! :) yum

  3. I actually love the Paleo solution. I honestly only eat about 90% Paleo because I do still eat some stuff such as rice pasta and I make my own gluten free flour for brownies and cookies and what not, so I'm not completely a Paleo follower. However, it absolutely makes sense to go Paleo considering how our body works much more efficiently when we eat things that were originally meant to be eaten, unprocessed and what not.
